The economy as a circuit

The economy as a circuit

The economy as a circuit
Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: The talk will discuss how the economy can be represented as a circuit with different sectors interacting together. Starting with a simple circuit using 3 agents (banks, firms, households) associated with 3 basic economic functions (finance, production, consumption) we will show how the economy is an interdependent system of actors. We will show how the multiplier emerges visually in the circuit and how it can be calculated. Depending on time, we will extend the circuit to incorporate the Government and the rest of the world.
Faglig relevans: Socialscience, economics.
Nøgleord: Macroeconomics, economic circuit
Forberedelse: No particular preparation is expected from the students, although relevant material can be shared beforehand (a book chapter for instance).
Maks. antal personer: To be agreed with the contact person.
Tidspunkter for besøget: To be agreed with the contact person.
Besøgets varighed: 1-2 timer.
Mødested: To be agreed with the contact person.
Kontaktperson: - Thibault Laurentjoye, adjunkt, AAU Business School.