What is this inflation everyone is talking about and why has it come back?

What is this inflation everyone is talking about and why has it come back?

What is this inflation everyone is talking about and why has it come back?
Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: Prices of the items that we buy (e.g., food, electronics, energy, etc.) fluctuate from time to time. For years, these prices were low and relatively stable that many of us did not bother about the changes in prices. But when the Covid-19 lockdown was removed, prices dramatically increased in Denmark and many other countries at the same time, and we suddenly hear everyone talking about inflation. The figure from Statistics Denmark shows the percentage changes in prices of the items that we buy in Denmark:
In this presentation, we talk about why prices in a country increase, who benefits from it, and is there a solution to the problem?
Karakter af besøgets indhold: Presentation combined with a short group activity in class.
Faglig relevans: Socialscience, economics.
Nøgleord: Inflation, wages, economic welfare, unemployment
Forventet niveau: Relevant for all gymnasium levels.
Forberedelse: None.
Udbytte: Offers an intuitive understanding of this problem that students can further investigate
Maks. antal personer: 50.
Tidspunkter for besøget: To be agreed with the contact person.
Besøgets varighed: 1 time.
Mødested: To be agreed with the contact person.
Kontaktperson: - Thibault Laurentjoye, adjunkt, AAU Business School.